Meet Martha Silver Breninger

Raven Orb Gallery

Emerald  >  Contemporary Art Gallery

Raven Orb Gallery

Contemporary Art Gallery featuring local artist's and artisan's works, art prints, crystals, sculptures, fossils, jewelry and other handmade and earthmade pieces.

Mon-Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm Sat 10am - 3pm


Meet Martha Silver Breninger

Martha Silver Breninger, opened Raven Orb Gallery in Emerald with partner Dave of Custom Framing four years ago. An internationally acclaimed artist & author, Martha creates art that is healing focussed exploring transformation, rebirth, recovery, and Martha’s relationships with nature, & self-love after addiction and trauma.

She recently shared publicly her life story with others in the multi-author book Visionary, and Martha continues to have conversations with hundreds of women all around the world.

Well known for her work with mixed media, Martha’s exhibition From Sea to Stars was a showcase of her recent works, including paintings, felting and mythical figures that attract a large local and international following.

Martha’s vision is to continue to inspire healing and hope through art and you can’t help but feel these energies, a sense of calm and contemporary magic when visiting Raven Orb Gallery.

Posted: Tue 13th Dec 2022 Last Updated: Tue 13th Dec 2022

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